3 Official Zones of Regulation Co-Regulation Resources

February 4th, 2025

Supporting learners (and each other) through co-regulation is one of the most important features in The Zones of Regulation framework. As a Zones leader, you play a crucial role as a co-regulator and understanding this important process of connecting, or being attuned, with others is key to the success and well-being of your learners.

Most of you have several “back pocket” co-regulation strategies at the ready as you respond, adjust, and flex throughout the day, but revisiting best practices and trying out new ones can make all the difference. Especially in challenging situations. That’s why we’ve packaged a few of our most valuable co-regulation resources right here in this post.


1. What is Co-Regulation? 

Getting grounded in co-regulation starts with exploring its meaning.


2. FREE Co-Regulation Strategies Visual

This visual, adapted from Getting Into The Zones of Regulation and offered in its entirety in our Zones Comprehensive Training, offers helpful co-regulation strategies and layers into the foundational knowledge available in this popular print companion to our Digital Curriculum.

Get your free visual.


3. Refresh Your Zones Knowledge

Join over 100,000 people from around the world who have attended an official Zones of Regulation training. Our trainings focus on building the foundations for implementing The Zones – with co-regulation as a key concept.


Looking for more on co-regulation? Reach out and ask away! We’re happy to help!

Author - Leah Kuypers & The Zones team

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