
The Zones of Regulation framework and curriculum is based on years of applied experience by the author, Leah Kuypers. As an occupational therapist and autism specialist working in both clinical and educational settings, Leah saw the need for all learners to develop regulation skills. As a result, the solution to this need was conceived: The Zones of Regulation.
Research Base
The Zones of Regulation is research-based. The Zones of Regulation framework and curriculum was developed from foundational research and practices in the fields of social-emotional learning, neuroscience, curriculum development, and psychological foundations.
The Zones of Regulation methodology and teaching approach is built upon foundational research and theory. We are committed to translating cutting-edge research into our products and services to ensure they are effective across learning environments and learner backgrounds. The development of The Zones framework and instructional design spans numerous research bases and theoretical foundations, including: Positive Mental Health, Neuroscience, Social-Emotional Learning, and Psychological Foundations. Across these domains, we prioritize the use of equity-centered research, as learner experiences are situated within the context of their cultural identity, lived experiences, and sociopolitical environment.
Read more about how Best Practices were infused into the original Zones of Regulation curriculum.
Literature Review
Evidence of Effectiveness
The Zones of Regulation is evidence-based. Studies examining The Zones of Regulation’s impact have shown the curriculum has a positive effect on learner outcomes. Research is an integral part of what we do and we continue to devote efforts to furthering the depth and breadth of our evidence base. Our team collaborates with external partners to conduct rigorous research on The Zones of Regulation framework and curriculum. Prior research using the framework and curriculum has shown significant positive outcomes in educational and clinical settings. Across studies, research has shown the implementation of The Zones of Regulation framework and curriculum is associated with the following outcomes:
To learn more about findings from studies using The Zones of Regulation, view our Evidence of Effectiveness brief. This spreadsheet provides articles and manuscripts of completed research utilizing The Zones of Regulation framework and curriculum. Don’t see your manuscript or publication? Please submit it for review in this form, and we will be in touch soon!
Are you conducting research with The Zones of Regulation?
Please contact us at [email protected] if you are conducting a study utilizing The Zones of Regulation. In addition, we recommend using the Implementation and Fidelity Checklist to guide your work with the curriculum.
Share your findings with us!
We would love to hear more about your research using The Zones of Regulation. Please complete this form to share information about your project.
Read our Evidence of Effectiveness BriefContinuous Improvement
We’re responsive to users and committed to continuous improvement of The Zones of Regulation products and services to ensure we are making the greatest impact on learners. We partner with users of The Zones to gather feedback and make adjustments based on learner and leader experiences. Our prioritization of ongoing evaluation and continuous improvement allows us to gain a deep understanding of the real-world challenges faced by learners, leaders, and systems. As a result, our products and services are feasible to implement, compatible across environments, and relevant for learners.
Our Theory of Change
At The Zones of Regulation, we believe that regulation is essential for overall well-being and life success. Because of this, our mission is to empower learners of all ages to understand their feelings and emotions through social-emotional learning (SEL). Our mission is illustrated in our theory of change, which reinforces regulation as essential for positive social, emotional, behavioral, and academic development. Using an ecological systems lens, our theory of change recognizes that learner experiences are situated within the context of their cultural identity, lived experiences, and sociopolitical environment. By teaching the essential components for regulation, we believe all learners can acquire the essential skills and competencies to develop positive social, emotional, behavioral, and academic outcomes.
Funding The Zones of Regulation
We are committed to assisting users with accessing funding for The Zones of Regulation. All learners are entitled to access social-emotional learning, and funding should never serve as a barrier to access. Federal, state, and local agencies are increasing their investment in social-emotional learning. The Zones of Regulation programs and services meet federal funding eligibility standards and other state and local grant requirements. Educators and clinicians are encouraged to use the following resources to help secure funds to purchase and implement The Zones of Regulation.
Federal & State Funding Sources
Discretionary or Competitive Funding (awarded through an application at the federal or state level)
- Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education)
- Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Program
Formula Funding (no application process, funds allocated to pre-selected recipients)
- IDEA Part B—Grants to States Program
- Title I, Part A—Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies
- Title I, Part C—Migrant Education Program State Grants
- Title I, Part D—Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk
- Title II, Part A—Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants
- Title VI, Part A–Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants
- Title VI, Part B—Rural Education Achievement Program
Local Funding Sources
Community foundations, local businesses, and service organizations offer opportunities to fund social-emotional learning initiatives. Applicants typically complete a competitive application to access funds. For a list of local funding opportunities, visit Fundsnet Services, a database of private funding by state.
Other Resources
- lists formula funding and discretionary grant opportunities from 26 federal agencies.
- Forecast of Funding is a database of programs and competitions for the Department of Education.
- Greenlights Grant Initiative offers webinars and tutorials for how to access federal grants, including lists of grant opportunities and grant writing support.
For More Information
Contact us at [email protected]
Study Title
Using Technology to Enhance Sensory-Based Interventions (2021)
Piller, A., Del Pilar Saa, M., Tremino, I., Koester, A. C., & Duker, L. S.
Quick Description
Journal Article: Article lists The Zones of Regulation Apps in “Examples of of Apps to Promote Sensory-Related Wellness” and utilized The Zones of Regulation App as an intervention in case study of 8 year-old with ASD.
AJOT SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, Vol 6 (1), 2-4
Quick Description
Restricted Access through AJOT
Piller, A., Del Pilar Saa, M., Tremino, I., Koester, A. C., & Duker, L. S. (2021). Using technology to enhance sensory-based interventions. SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 6(1), 2–4.
Study Title
Developing Self-Regulation in Children with FASD Using the Zones of Regulation (2021)
University of Washington, WA
Anderson, S., Bartholow, B., Snow, J., Stratiner, M., Nash, J., & Jirikowic, T.
Quick Description
Journal Article: Clinical intervention with children ages 8-11 with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) using The Zones lessons adapted for students with FASD, includes recommendations.
AOTA SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 2(4), 5–7.
Quick Description
Restricted Access through AJOT:
Anderson, S., Bartholow, B., Snow, J., Stratiner, M., Nash, J., & Jirikowic, T. (2017). Developing self-regulation in children with FASD using the Zones of Regulation. SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 2(4), 5–7.
Study Title
Collaborative Development of a Social-Emotional Skills Development Curriculum for Children Who Are Deaf (2020)
California School for the Deaf Fremont (CDS Fremont), CA
Domenique Embrey, Tiffany Wilson, and Courtney Hipskind
Quick Description
Journal Article: Adapted preschool SEL intervention program for children who are deaf/hard of hearing (D/HH), focused on SEL and sensory processing using The Zones framework.
AOTA SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 5(1), 7–10
Quick Description
Restricted Access through AJOT
Embrey, D., Wilson, T., & Hipskind, C. (2020). Collaborative development of a social-emotional skills development curriculum for children who are Deaf. SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 5(1), 7–10.
Study Title
A Feasibility Study of The Zones of Regulation® curriculum as part of Tier I MTSS, POSTER (2018, updated 2020)
Tufts University, MA
Erin McQuaid
Quick Description
Poster Session: General education Tier-1 instruction using The Zones of Regulation with 4th grade class in Elementary School setting.
AJOT: Vol. 72
Quick Description
Restricted Access through AJOT:
Erin McQuaid; Feasibility Study: Implementing the Zones of Regulation® Curriculum at a Whole-Class Level. Am J Occup Ther 2018;72(4_Supplement_1):7211505083.
Study Title
Self-Regulation in the Classroom: An Action Research Study (2020)
Vancouver Island University, Canada
Jaime Woodford
Quick Description
Action Research Thesis: General education Tier-1 instruction in Grade 1-2 class in Elementary Setting.
University Publication
Quick Description
Woodford, Jaime. Self-Regulation in the Classroom: An Action Research Study. (2020). Vancouver Island University.
Study Title
Brevard Public Schools School Safety and Climate Study (2020)
University of Central Florida (UCF), U.S. Dept of Justice
Kristina K. Childs; Sara L. Bryson; Jennifer H. Peck; Kim Gryglewicz; Roberto H. Potter
Quick Description
Large Scale Study: Research conducted in 5 schools as part of a comprehensive mental health intervention focused on increasing school safety in schools with significant disciplinary disparities. The Zones of Regulation was the chosen intervention for 62% of students receiving this intervention.
Office of Justice Programs’ National Criminal Justice Reference Service
Quick Description
Childs; Bryson; Peck; Gryglewicz; Potter. "Brevard Public Schools School Safety and Climate Study (2020). Office of Justice Programs’ National Criminal Justice Reference Service retrieved from
Study Title
The Impact of a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum on the Social- Emotional Competence of Elementary- Age Students (2019)
Clemson University, SC
Michelle Dunn
Quick Description
Dissertation: Large-scale study of implementing The Zones of Regulation in general education Tier-1 instruction in twelve 2nd grade classrooms from three socioeconomically diverse Elementary Schools.
University Publication
Quick Description
Open Access Link:
Dunn, Michelle, "The Impact of a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum on the Social-Emotional Competence of Elementary-Age Students" (2019). All Dissertations. 2457.
Study Title
Increasing Self-Regulation for ADL Independence in Children: Feasibility Study and Coregulation Curriculum Description POSTER (2019)
Western Michigan University, MI
Michelle Suarez, Ben Atchison, Elsie Bush
Quick Description
Poster Session: Clinical focus group of children ages 6-14 with regulatory issues utilizing The Zones of Regulation to increase independence in Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).
AJOT: Vol. 73 Iss. 4
Quick Description
Restricted access through AJOT:
Michelle Suarez, Ben Atchison, Elsie Bush; Increasing Self-Regulation for ADL Independence in Children: Feasibility Study and Coregulation Curriculum Description. Am J Occup Ther 2019;73(4_Supplement_1): 7311520407.
Study Title
Blue–Yellow–Red–Green: Teaching Self-Regulation Skills to First Graders (2019)
The School Association for Special Education (SASED), IL
Christa Valkanos, Cheryl Huber-Lee, and Susan M. Cahill
Quick Description
Journal Article: Whole-class instruction using The Zones of Regulation curriculum in two 1st Grade classrooms in 15 weekly 30 min. sessions. Includes case examples.
AOTA OT Practice, 21(12), 7–11.
Quick Description
Restricted Access through AJOT:
Valkanos, C., Huber-Lee, C., & Cahill, S. M. (2016). Blue–yellow–red–green: Teaching self-regulation skills to first graders. OT Practice, 21(12), 7–11.
Study Title
Trauma-Responsive Practice in Baltimore City Public Schools: Humane Education (2019)
Baltimore City Public Schools, Project Mickey, MD
Jennifer Ganz
Quick Description
Journal Article: Intervention utilizing adapted Zones of Regulation check-in within humane/animal therapy with children with trauma histories in a Elementary Setting.
Protocol, Volume LIX, Issue 3, 4-5
Quick Description
Restricted Access through Maryland School Psychologists’ Association MSPA:
Ganz, Jennifer. (2019). Trauma-Responsive Practice in Baltimore City Public Schools: Humane Education (2019). Protocol, Volume LIX, Issue 3, 4-5.
Study Title
Harmonizing Social Emotional Learning for Students with Special Needs (2019)
Dominican University of California
Deema Shihadih
Quick Description
Thesis: Music therapy intervention for elementary learners with intellectual disabilities, combining components of The Zones of Regulation with components of the PATHs curriculum.
University Publication
Quick Description
Shihadih, Deema, "Harmonizing Social Emotional Learning for Students with Special Needs" (2019). Master of Science in Education | Master's Theses. 5.
Study Title
Effectiveness of Components of the Zones of Regulation on Student Behaviors (2019)
Minot State University, ND
Marti Quale
Quick Description
Thesis: Intervention in school setting using components of The Zones of Regulation with 2nd/3rd grade students with ASD & ADHD diagnoses focused on participation and compliance in classroom.
Quick Description
Quale, M. (2019). Effectiveness of components of the zones of regulation on student behaviors (Order No. 22622385). Available from Publicly Available Content Database. (2306303699). Retrieved from
Study Title
Efficacy Study of a Social Communication and Self-Regulation Intervention for School-Age Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial (2019)
University of North Carolina (UNC) Chapel Hill, NC
Sallie W. Nowell, Linda R. Watson, Brian Boyd, and Laura G. Klinger
Quick Description
Peer Reviewed Journal Article Assessed efficacy of a parent-assisted 12-week group intervention for 1st and 2nd graders with ASD targeting social-communication and selfregulation skills for students and competency for parents using Zones of Regulation and Social Thinking concepts and lessons combined with TEACHH program.
LSHSS Journal Online: Vol. 50 Iss.3
Quick Description
Link to Abstract:
Nowell, S. W. (2018). Social-communication and self-regulation development in children with autism spectrum disorder (Order No. 10789360). Available from Health Research Premium Collection; Nursing & Allied Health Premium. (2059393069). Retrieved from
Study Title
Teacher Perceptions of Effectiveness of the Zones of Regulation (2019)
Southern Connecticut State University
Karli Kisiel
Quick Description
Thesis: Teacher perception study at elementary school implementing The Zones of Regulation schoolwide.
Quick Description
Kisiel, Karli. (2019). Teacher Perceptions of Effectiveness of the Zones of Regulation. Thesis Southern Connecticut State University. Retrived from
Study Title
Increasing Self-Monitoring Effectiveness Using Heart Rate Zone Notifications and The Zones of Regulation® (2018)
University of Cincinnatti, OH
Jamie Jones
Quick Description
Dissertation: Intervention with students grades 1-3 in Alternative School setting for students identified with EBD, combined instruction using selected Zones of Regulation lessons along with smartwatch heart monitors focused on self-monitoring to increase on-task behavior.
University Publication
Quick Description
Open Access Link:
Jones, J. (2019). Increasing Self-Monitoring Effectiveness Using Heart Rate Zone Notifications and The Zones of Regulation. (Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from
Study Title
Transforming Traumatised Children within NSWDepartment of Education Schools: One SchoolCounsellor’s Model for Practise – REWIRE (2017)
New South Wales Department of Education, Aus
Deborah A. Costa
Quick Description
Journal Article: Counselor-led wellness program using the REWIRE Model that includes 17 weeks of whole-class Zones of Regulation, focused on increasing capacity and connection for children who are victims of maltreatment and/or trauma.
Children Australia Volume 42 Number 2 pp. 113–126
Quick Description
Costa, Deborah A . Transforming Traumatised Children within NSW Department of Education Schools: One School Counsellor's Model for Practise - REWIRE. Children Australia; Melbourne Vol. 42, Iss. 2, (Jun 2017): 113-126. DOI:10.1017/cha.2017.14
Study Title
The Efficacy of Zones of Regulation in Teaching Grade 3 and 4 Students Self- Regulation Skills (2017)
City University of Seattle, WA
Kelly Munro
Quick Description
Thesis: Implementation of Tier-1 Zones of Regulation instruction in 3rd and 4th grade classroom using observations and journaling focused on self-awareness.
University Publication
Quick Description
Open Access Link:
Munro, Kelly (2017). The Efficacy of Zones of Regulation in Teaching Grade 3 and 4 Students Self-Regulation Skills. (Thesis, City University of Seattle, WA) Retrieved from
Study Title
The Use of the Zones of Regulation® in an Elementary School: Student and Teacher Perceptions (2016)
Elizabethtown College, PA
Carly Mutter
Quick Description
Thesis: Data collection and perception data in elementary school implementing Zones of Regulation schoolwide, sampled 5 students from each classroom in school using multiple measurements.
University Publication
Quick Description
Open Access Link:
Mutter, Carly, "The Use of the Zones of Regulation® in an Elementary School: Student and Teacher Perceptions" (2016). Occupational Therapy: Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 7.
Study Title
Zones of Regulation® for Preschool Students: An Intensive Skills Training Intervention Model (2015)
University of Cincinnatti, OH
Kayley Sanger
Quick Description
Dissertation: Intervention with preschoolers with identified behavioral concerns in an Early Childhood setting using adapted version of The Zones of Regulation in 6-weeks of biweekly instruction, followed by incidental teaching/prompt training for generalization.
University Publication
Quick Description
Open Access Link:
Sanger, K. (2020). Zones of Regulation® for Preschool Students: An Intensive Skills Training Intervention Model. (Electronic Dissertation, University of Cincinnatti Ohio). Retrieved from